Sunday 27 June 2010

Hello! Well, the title says it all, really! I thought long and hard (well, twenty minutes, whilst washing up) about what to call this blog; I trawled my brain for book titles, song lyrics and inspriring quotes (then starting hmming and hahing about copywrite - I don't really fancy being sued). So in the end I decided on a blog name that was real rather than clever.
So, in case it wasn't already obvious, I am training for ordained ministry (in the Church of England) and (as the eagle-eyed among you may have spotted) am Mum to two children who are at present running in and out of the paddling pool which we bought yesterday.
I've somehow manged to get to the end of my first year training, and have two more ahead of me - more about all of that later! For the moment, the long summer break is a time to look back, to look forward, to ponder, to pray, to read...hence this blog. Training for clergymumdom, or vicarness, or the priesthood, or whatever you want to call it, is a profound, demanding and deeply changing thing, and I hope to share some of that with you. Anyway, time to fiddle with the settings and see what else I can do with this blog!

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